All members of the school community have the right to be treated respectfully, and have the responsibility to do so to others. (This table is adapted from the one used by Doncaster Primary School)


Children’s Rights Children’s Responsibilities
1. To be treated fairly; to be an individual; not to be discriminated against because of different behaviour, appearance, nationality or sex, to have privacy in the toilet. Not to put themselves down; to be confident; to look after their bodies – watch what you eat; not to judge others by colour, the way they talk, look or dress, nationality or intelligence; to respect others; to allow others privacy in the toilets; to value themselves as equal to others; to earn respect by being sensible when away from school on excursions, camps or sporting events; to be a good representative of the school; to learn to appreciate other people.
2. To feel safe from physical and verbal abuse; to have lunch in peace; to know property is not interfered with or stolen; to walk to and from school without being teased or hurt; not to be bossed around. To be kind to everybody; to be careful to whom they talk; to participate in activities that allow everyone to be safe; to take care of school property; to be an example to younger students; to choose friends carefully; to be responsible for own actions; to report unsafe behaviour; to leave special and expensive property at home; to leave other people’s property alone; to leave things in a correct and safe place; to stay within the school grounds.
3. To be involved in decision making; to express ideas; to learn without interference; to have satisfactory amounts of physical activity; to have some leisure time after work To want to learn; to concentrate on work; to participate in activities; to let the teacher teach; to willingly offer opinions, thoughts and feelings; to not interfere with other’s learning or games; to do their best; to assist peers to learn.
4. To have opinions valued; to make decisions; to be treated fairly; to be treated courteously; to express ideas; to “stand up” for the school. To listen when other people are talking; to let people know what you want to say; to express your opinion; to take turns; to be courteous.
5. To enjoy school. To cooperate; to make sure no one feels left out, sad, unhappy, lonely, disappointed or angry; to be happy.
6. To share games and equipment. Share equipment and games; to look after equipment; to hand in lost property; to use equipment responsibly and return it to its proper place.
7. To have clean attractive toilets; to make decisions on seating and classroom arrangements; to have undamaged property and buildings To take care of soap in the toilets; to keep the toilets clean; to report damage or people causing damage; to use equipment correctly; to look after school property; to place rubbish in bins; to play in appropriate places; to look after the plants.



Parents’ Rights Parents’ Responsibilities
1. To participate in all aspects of their children’s learning:  to be informed  to be listened to To listen to their children and their children’s teachers; to take an active interest in their children’s learning; to attend Information Sessions, Parent/Teacher interviews, Open Days and Excursion Days; to convey concerns and inform teachers of any circumstances which could affect the learning of their children
2. To be treated as individuals: · with courtesy · without discrimination To treat with respect and courtesy all other members of the school community; to promote such attitudes in their children. This should be without discrimination
3. To have ready access to information and be part of the decision-making process in the areas of: · curriculum · organisation. To express their ideas to the appropriate bodies; to respond to communications and publications from school; to accept decisions arrived at by consultation with the school community. To pay the fees on time and support the development and growth of the school as a whole.
4. To be respected for their contribution. To contribute to the best of their ability and to respect the contribution of other members of the school community
5. To expect confidentiality and privacy To maintain confidentiality and privacy.
6. To expect an environment which offers safety To help create and maintain a safe environment and encourage their children to do the same.
7. To expect that the school community needs are expressed. To communicate with the school community; to inform the school community of needs and the ways these needs can be met



Teachers’ Rights Teachers’ Responsibilities
1. Teachers have the right to teach without interference and should have the support from students, colleagues within the school, parents, management, and the local community. To communicate with parents and keep them informed; to provide maximum learning in students; to communicate with their colleagues, assisting and supporting them; to act in a manner consistent with the National Code of Ethics; to read and respond to Management communications and publications.
2. To be treated as individuals with every courtesy and without discrimination To treat students, parents and colleagues with mutual respect and courtesy.
3. To have access to information and be part of the collaborative decision making process in the areas of curriculum and organisation; to have support for professional development. To contribute to decision making processes and actively participate in the areas of curriculum, organisation and administration; to participate in professional development activities.
4. To work in an aesthetically pleasing environment which gives the opportunity for personal privacy; to be safe, comfortable, with sufficient equipment and resources; to have security for personal belongings. To ensure confidentiality; to use their professional judgement; to respect students and their parents’ privacy; to implement strategies which enable all children to work independently; to help create an aesthetically pleasing, clean, safe (safety of belongings) and comfortable environment; to select; order and maintain resources.